Home Health Care Process

RN Evaluation

Each individual is assigned a Registered Nurse Case Manager. The RN Case Manager begins the treatment process by first completing an evaluation based on the physical, emotional, and social needs of the patient. The RN Case Manager will schedule the initial assessment with the patient or caregiver. The evaluation includes:

  • A safety review of the home.
  • A complete physical assessment of all body systems.
  • A thorough review of all prescription & OTC medications in the home.
  • A verification of medications, treatments, and physician orders with the referring physician.

Home Health Aide Visits

Should the Plan of Care call for the services of a Certified Home Health Aide, or CHHA, the RN Case Manager will assign one and schedule their initial visit. Frequently, the CHHA becomes one of the central aspects of the patient’s path to recovery. This is because their tasks are relevant to every day needs. They can assist with:

  • Bathing
  • Eating
  • Dressing
  • Toileting
  • Ambulating

The Registered Nurse, throughout the entire episode, closely monitors the CHHA. This, combined with our comprehensive selection, screening, and training process, provide the client’s family with peace of mind and the knowledge that their loved one is being cared for by a skilled and compassionate professional.

Physical Therapy Interventions

Many patients recovering from an injury or illness truly benefit from the use of physical therapy.  Should your Plan of Care or Physician determine that one would be beneficial, the RN Case Manager will refer one for an initial visit. Physical therapy has been proven to be significantly effective in easing pain and improving function and mobility.

After providing a complete examination, the therapist decides, which treatments, if any, would be productive to the client’s recovery. These treatment modalities work in synergy with the client’s plan of care to more effectively bring about the desired outcomes.

Physical therapists use a variety of treatment strategies. They may employ different types of exercise, which not only promote strength, but muscle endurance as well.  Some may even use less routine therapies like electrical stimulation or ultrasound technology.

Whether the problem is age, injury, or disease related, physical therapy is always a viable solution.

Occupational Therapy Interventions

Occupational therapy differs from physical therapy in many ways; although the end goal is essentially the same - to improve the quality of life for our clients. The focus of occupational therapy is on improving the performance of essential daily tasks, thereby making them easier to accomplish.

Our occupational therapists will look at daily tasks that may be difficult for our clients and devise a systematic plan that will alleviate the obstacles associated with that task. This can be accomplished in several ways, which may include changing the method used to perform the task, or by changing the activity itself.

These activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Dressing
  • Cooking
  • Writing
  • Driving
  • Improving memory

Speech Therapy Interventions

Speech Language Pathologists provide an invaluable service when problems related to speech and swallowing are encountered. Whether caused by stroke, brain injury, or hearing loss, speech therapy can be extremely effective. The therapist’s approach is quite similar to that of the other therapies in that they determine the problem/s, and then provide an individualized treatment plan, coupled with other therapies, to help diminish or circumvent the difficulties.

More importantly, Speech Therapists can work alongside the client’s family, friends, and/or caregivers, as necessary, to mitigate the client’s difficulties.


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